Singapore: A Foodies Delight!

Singapore Curry, foodies delight

Prepare for a culinary adventure! Singapore’s multi-ethnic culture and heritage are serving up an increasingly vibrant food scene. From its hawkers’ stalls to fine dining restaurants it’s a true foodies delight! Singapore’s cuisine is as diverse as the destination. As a living seaport, Singapore has been enriched with flavours from the native Malays and the […]

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Dumplings of Asia: Little Pockets of Joy

Are you feeling hungry? Just the mere mention of dumplings can make your mouth water. Little, delicate parcels of deliciousness and joy! Asia is king of the dumpling and all dumpling roads tend to lead to China in some form or another. A self-confessed dumpling aficionado, Emma Prineas is the Senior PR and Marketing Manager […]

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Traditional Japan – Step Back in Time

Wendy Wu Tours team member Lachlan Burnet recently travelled on our Jewels of Japan tour. Anticipating a modern country, with neon signs and high tech-gadgetry, Lachlan was pleasantly surprised by the timeless aspects of traditional Japan. He described it as ‘captivating, entrancing and fascinating’. Lachlan shares his fond memories of his step back in time […]

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